What kind of initiatives can I find in Munich that help me to find a job or enter the job market?
asked Dec 27, 2016 in Work by WefugeesEvent | 733 views

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4 Answers

+5 votes
I’m from social impact recruiting. We offer personal support for refugees willing to enter the workforce. We have open office hours every thursday. So if you need personal support in entering the workforce, you have specific questions, I would suggest to come to us, we have flyers outside. In addition I would tell you that the more german you learn, the better are the chances to find a job and the more opportunities you have for better jobs.

Right now we are just in Munich because we offer personal support.
answered Dec 27, 2016 by SIR
+5 votes
I’m Nathalie from Turning Tables. We are based in Munich, too, and in surrounding areas. We have a lot of partners in the gastronomy area and hotels. So if you are just getting started to work or have educational training in that sector you can just come to me, call me or write me an email.
[Turning Tables] offers german language classes, gastronomy specific. For chefs it’s about more terminology about the words you use there. Who wants to start in the service it’s quite harder as your german level has to be better, has to be B2. And then in the afternoon we always do practical exercise, that means that we either cook in the school kitchen together, just to do the menus we talked about in the morning. Or we go into restaurants or canteens. So we were at Munich Airport. There are many restaurants and big canteens and you see the difference between cooking in a “a la carte” restaurant we call it and systemgastronomy. Also to learn the difference in between the gastronomy sector.
answered Dec 27, 2016 by turning tables
+5 votes
At Capgemini we offer internships, especially for people who are studying business and IT or  software engineering in combination. So if you are interested or if you know someone who could be interested, we have print outs of the job description. You can also check our website. And that’s maybe the last recommendation, I said it before, an internship is a really good way to get to know a company. So **** at the websites of the companies you’re interested in, **** at their career pages, their post on what they have to offer and then make yourself familiar with that company. Prepare yourself, we will talk about it later when we’re looking at your CV’s, explain them why you want to work there, what you want to learn and hopefully you’ll have a “foot in the door”, as we say it in Germany, into a company and find something.
answered Dec 27, 2016 by Isabel
+5 votes
I’m from Hilfe von Mensch zu Mensch and we help refugees to learn the German language or to enter the work market. We help them to come to work and we help them to go to integration course. If they have problem with their children, we keep children in the kindergarten too. We give advice with the lawyer if they have any problem or need any help with the paper. Even we work with refugees after they finished their asylum procedure. So if they have the paper we help them too. Its for free and it is in Munich and around Munich.

We help in all ways. Help with the papers, to fill in the papers for example paper for  the integration course. We contact other helping organisations. So I can get in contact with people who are helping as well for example Family-help.
If you have children and you are a woman who wants to go to integration course or German language course and you don’t have the time to keep your children, we can keep the children, we have a special kindergarten, too. And with the lawyer, if you have any problems with your papers, we have a lawyer in our society and she can give us advice.
answered Dec 28, 2016 by Suzan_HvMzM
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