I come from Syria and I haven’t finished my studies yet, so I am not qualified enough to work in these qualified jobs and stuff. In which area or which degree should I work on? How can I get these degrees in Germany?
asked Dec 27, 2016 in Work by WefugeesEvent | 1,205 views

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1 Answer

+3 votes
Kompetenztraining. I mean, there is no recommendation I would say, but what you can always do, is what in german you call Kompetenztraining. You can go to your Berater or to social workers and do a training with them. There you can show what are your personal competencies and you can inform yourself in which sectors there are many jobs open. I would suggest f.e. to go to social impact recruiting, so they can match these two things.
answered Dec 27, 2016 by turning tables
I would also add if you started two years of studying and you want to finish studying, there are ways to see what you studied and see how it passes to german universities and continue studying here.
But what if you don’t have a certificate for those two years?
For @Kiron you don’t need a certificate. But you can also sometimes take a test. Depending on what field you’re going into and what university, you can take a test to show that you have these competencies and you can start from a certain level.
I was studying engineering in my home country. I have still 3 years left in my curriculum. When I admit to study here, am I going to start from level 3 or back from level 1 again?
It depends if you have your qualifications with you and how they compare to german university. So 1) you have to compare what you learned with what is required here to learn. If it compares well and out so much with level 3 you could start from level 3. If it’s at a lower level you would have to start from a lower level. If you don’t have certificates, again you have to see if there is a test to take so that you can show what you have learned.
And I think you have to learn the German language. You cannot start university without knowing German language. I know that for most universities you need C1. So you must concentrate on German language before and then decide to go to a German university.
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