Hi everyone,
My name is Hazha and I am 34years old coming from Iraq. I have master degree in Software engineering and I worked for more than 2 years as drilling engineer in Iraq in in Halliburton company in the  rig sites.so I have question I need answers ,I am a refugee in Germany since December and till now have no fingerprint no even an interview nothing at all( for your information I am living in Straelen in a shared house with more the 8 other refugee) what should I do or to whom I have to go and ask about my interview?

Finally accept my best regards.
asked Jun 7, 2016 in Asylum proceedings by Hazha | 794 views

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1 Answer

+1 vote
Hi Hazha;

Welcome to Wefugees and a belated welcome to Germany :)

It is unfortunately common to wait so long for your papers to be processed and to receive your interview date. I have attached a couple of helpful documents about the asylum procedure to this message. Have you submitted your application already, or not yet? I found some resources where you are living, so that you could get advice also in person from people who have a better idea of the processing times in Straelen and who you could talk to:

Use the form on that page to send a message, I can´t find a direct email address anywhere on the site.

There is also the Caritas in Straelen:
Bettina Urbanski
Telefon: 02834 9151-98   

Caritas-Centrum Straelen
Marienstraße 61
47638 Straelen

Hope this helps already some :)
answered Jun 8, 2016 by julia.d
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