i am ahmad from syria
i have 4 kids and my wife in dangerous area is south of syria
untel now no date for court
i am in germany since 9 months
asked May 21, 2016 in Asylum proceedings by mhy | 1,199 views
Hello Ahamad
unfortunately most of people have the same problem. and it's always hard to find a solution for gritting an appointment. but maybe you can try to cantact your bundesamt
in this link you can search your Bundesamt and the available ways to contact them. some people tried that,  it worked with them, and some others not. but you can try your luck.
you can ask help from Carits or Diakonie... etc. to contact your Bundesamt. or you can easily sent by yourself a post with your full name, date of birth,  address,  and the informations about when did you came to germany and when have you got your first papers when you asked for asylum. and then write them a request which descripe that you didn't get any appointment from them yet. with copies of your provements. and i hope you get an answer

best wishes
Hello Ahmad, where do you live? In Hamburg, there is a very good information source (online and in a real place) called Café Exil. You might **** on the internet site to get useful informations, for excample about the asylum procedure: ****://cafe-exil.antira.info/infos/erstinformation-fuer-asylsuchende_migrant_innen-in-hamburg-harburg/  I wish you and your family the very best!

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2 Answers

+1 vote
Hello Ahmad,

contact 'Flüchtlingsrat Hamburg" for help:

Nernstweg 32 - 34
3. Stock
22765 Hamburg
Tel. 040 - 43 15 87
Fax 040 - 430 44 90

Internet: ****://***.fluechtlingsrat-hamburg.de/

Kind regards and good luck!
answered May 23, 2016 by Jan
+1 vote
Hello Ahmad,

Are you in Germany with your children now, or are your children and your wife still in Syria?

Your profile here says that you are from Wunstorf. If that is the case, here are some resources:

- Legal advice for refguees in Hannover. The Arbeitskreis in Wunstorf recommends them for legal advice.

The city of Wunstorf also offers advice. Here is their website:


The contact information is at the top of the page. They recommend making an appointment to meet.

All the best,
answered May 23, 2016 by julia.d
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