Hello Guys ..
Thank you all  for creating and supporting Such a great site ...
I have studied Zahnarzt Medicin back in Syria and I am currently in Berlin (jobcenter) and I've heard of something called ( Guest student )
in a German Univercity , is that also possible for Dental science , and how can I register for it ? ...

Liebe Grüsse

asked Feb 11, 2016 in Education by Thank_you_Germany | 431 views

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1 Answer

+1 vote
Hello Amer,

the information service of Berlin's medical school 'Charité' can provide you with needed informations: ****://tinyurl.***/hrvuyya
You can contact the Institute for Dental, Oral and Maxilary Medicine directly, use their online E-Mail form: ****://tinyurl.***/ho4sagz

Kind Regards, Jan
answered Feb 11, 2016 by Jan
Thank You Jan , I'll send them an Email ...
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