Hello everyone
im syrian ilive in berlin im 29 years old
Iwant to study in the university IT
Irecently get my aufenhalt
We know that jobcenter doesnt support who want to study with mony and he will be homeless

Is it impoosible to study because of my age
Is there is anyway to finance my self without jobcenter

And if i register at the jobcenter untill i have DSH level and i leave it will be problem in the future

I am  really confused
Thank you
asked Jul 28, 2016 in Education by . | 1,059 views
Dear @. what is your age? and where in Germany are you staying right now?
The age is 29 as mentioned in posting above. The location is Berlin as written in posting above. Am I getting something wrong?
Hi Suleike, it can be that he just edited his question with the missing information. That would explain, why Henny and Danny answered like they did.
Conny, I took some time until I did my postings. Errors occur but they can be corrected if you **** carefully on what you have written. The first mistake could have been corrected by deleting the post with the useless question (by the author, of course!). The second was corrected (I do appreciate that!), but why did it happen? The initial posting was done anonymously, I wrote my posting using my name - why should I uncover myself in a simple remark if I was the questioner? Sorry, your explanation doesn‘t convince me. In my humble opionion technical problems are not the issue here. Let us drop the subject please, the matter is settled as far as I'm concerned.

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1 Answer

+3 votes
Dear  Questioner,

The possibility to receive BAföG which means financial support (half donation, half credit) for first time studying, ends with your 30th birthday. If you already should have a Bachelor and apply for a Master, the end date for possible financial support is your 35th birthday.
So it is absolutely essential for you, to start studying Informatic at a German University before you get 30 years old. Is this still possible for you?

If you have a Aufenthaltsgenehmigung you have the right to study and it entitles you to apply for BAföG at the BAföG department of the university where you start studying. But this is only possible after you successfully have been accepted for studying Informatic by the university.
The Freie University Berlin has several consultation dates in the coming up weeks, in Arabic on the 1. of August and in English and German on the 15th of august, at the study service center, Iltisstr. 4., room K009.
A good site for further info on refugees and studying is:

Feel free to ask, if you should need further info.
answered Jul 28, 2016 by Danny
Hi Danny, I am not the author of the initial posting. I only prompted to read questions carefully because it's useless to ask for a already given information. Keep in mind: the question's initiator admitted to be confused, what could be the result of a strange inquiry? Probably more confusion. Anyway, thanks for your information.
Oh, I see. Thank you for clarifying things, Suleika. I corrected my answer accoding to your response.
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