Hello again Wefugee Team
I just have a Question. Me and my daughter applied for German Citizenship. After a Year they ask us more of Documents i have the following Question:
1. they ask me about Lohnabrechnung and Arbeits- Verdienstbescheinigung of my daughters Father, but he doesnt work anymore and he is in his Homeland we dont live together. Will that affect my Application if i didnt provide.
2. Me and my Daughters Father are not married but we have Vaterschaft and Sorgerechterklärung. So ofcourse my daughter has her Fathers name. Now the question is: in Gerburtsurkunde of my daughter at the back there is diese RECHT DER NAMENSFÜHRUNG : Fathers Nationality, now im kinda worrying bcoz my daughter has my Nationality passport... is that a big question when i give it to Auslanderbehörde for applying German citizen?
Thank you i hope its clear