Hello Wefugee Team,
My friend come from Syria and come here with the working Visa. He got recently a job in Müllheim an der Ruhr but he has problem to rent an Apartment and to register in this City because only after he work some month, he can rent an Apartment.
Is there any advise from you? Is there any Institution in Müllheim an der Ruhr to help him?
Thanks and Best Regards,
Karin Alex
asked May 13, 2022 in Home & Living by Karin Alex | 764 views

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1 Answer

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Hi Karin Alex,

there are several offers for homeless people in Mühllheim an der Ruhr: https://***.muelheim-ruhr.de/cms/menschen_ohne_eigene_wohnung_muessen_in_muelheim_an_der_ruhr_nicht_ohne_ein_dach_ueber_dem_kopf_uebernachten.html

He also could get some advice from a counselling service for refugees and immigrants: https://***.muelheim-ruhr.de/cms/fluechtlingsberatung_planb_ruhr_ev.html

Hope this helps a bit.

Best wishes,

answered May 14, 2022 by Anita_Koe
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