I am working full time in München and i need 1 room apartment or WG please help
asked May 28, 2017 in Home & Living by Laius | 816 views
Hello @Laius - I will link @Suzan_HvMzM again so that she can provide some information. She is working for "Hilfe von Mensch zu Mensch" in Munich - an organization that provides various offers like consultation for refugees. Best regards, Thorgen

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1 Answer

+1 vote
Hello @Laius,

I just noticed that you have asked hist question in the section "Home and living" a short time ago: https://***.wefugees.de/k/questions/2012. What about given answers? Would you please tell us if they were helpful and in case if not, what were the reasons why?

Did you try the online service wg-gesucht? Concerning Munich there are the following offers for a room in a WG: ****://tinyurl.***/yd4z9oyq (German language).

More links:
Studenten-WG.de - München: ****://tinyurl.***/y977yzqr
Wohngemeinschaft.de - München: ****://tinyurl.***/y84l9zx3

If you are on facebook, you can try these offers:
Wohnungen frei in München: ****://tinyurl.***/y8vannfh
Salz&Brot - Mietwohnungen in München: ****://tinyurl.***/yantwpv9
Wohnungen von Privat für Privat in München: ****://tinyurl.***/yddwu6wy

Good luck!

answered May 28, 2017 by Jan
Thank you Jan , I am using these sites from 1 year but no answers
Thank you Jan , I am using these sites from 1 year but no answers !!!
I am sorry to hear that, but keep on trying, I can tell from my very own experience, it took me almost a year to find an appartment in south-west Germany. It's really hard and you do need good luck.
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