Hello Wefugees,
I took your advice and went to see a Family Advisor. My ex Partner comes too because they are advising the both of us to be able to peacefully cooparent.
I must say that it hasn't been successful because, he never goes by what's agreed on.
He also comes to lie a lot about things that doesn't even matter to cover up his faults.
He also doesn't pay attention to the child when he picks the child up to spend time with her. The last time the child was coughing so bad and asked if he could get cough medicine for her when he is out with her. He didn't and when he returned with the child, her cough was so bad that she couldn't breath very well so rushed her to the hospital. He knew it, didn't check up and the KinderÄrtzin is always complaining that my Ex-Partner is not paying the medical bills. My daughter's insurance is private cos of the Dad. Same with me, he never pay back the Money I use to buy medicine for the child after he gets the payment from the insurance company.
Aside that, for 2years now he has never been to the KinderÄrtzin with our child.
This Thursday, which is Yesterday, he took the child out, came back with her and the back of the head was swollen. I asked what happened, he said the child was jumping and the fell.
Considering all his lies and being physically with me twice, I dont know what to believe.
I don't feel it safe giving the child to him to spend time alone with her because the child is not even at the age where she can tell everything that happened when she was with the Dad.
When the child hurt the head, he didn't take the child to the hospital for a check or even inform me immediately. So I took the child to the hospital for a check up and I couldn't narrate exactly what happened because I wasn't there. All I needed was for her to be checked if she was ok or not.
I informed the him that I was taking her to the hospital, he got angry with me because he claimed the fall wasn't bad. But a toddler with such a swell at the back of the head needed a check regardless.
He requested for an urgent appointment from the Family advisor because I took the child to the hospital or whatever reason he has. Yet to know.
Now we have an appointment on Monday.
He is to spend time with the child on Sunday and this day was agreed on with the family advisor at a particular location.
Now he wants to see the child on Sunday but at a different location and he sends the family advisor an email, put me on copy, that if I don't give the child to him on Sunday he will no longer go for the family advise.
The child is hurt, he is not asking how the child is doing. It's just about he exercising his rights.
Not even considering that the child's doctor says she needs to be monitored closely after the fall and if all is ok by Monday she can go back to the Kita.
I asked that he spends time with the child after the meeting on Monday but he still insists.
I am really worried about the child's wellbeing because I don't trust my ex Partner. I don't know if what he said happened to the child is the truth or he hurt the child himself. No one can tell and he never admit his wrong doing. He rather defend himself with so many lies. I want to take this matter to the court or the jugendamt. The family advisor is good but he is not taking them seriously. My child's safety is at stake. Do i even have a chance of getting the 50 percent custody back? Please advise me!