Hi @Arosh
A new law was introduced this year in Germany which makes it possible to get a residence permit (Aufenthalt) with a one year Ausbildung as Pflegehilfskraft. To be more specific, this possibility is based on the combination of two different laws:
- Paragraph 19c of the Aufenthaltsgesetz
- Paragraph 22a of the Beschäftigungsverordnung (this is a law concerning the employment of foreigners in Germany)
With your Ausbildung and job, you are entitled to this type of permit.
You should first consider the possibility of receiving a refugee status in your asylum application and get advice before withdrawing your asylum application. If you wish to switch to the Aufenthalt as Pflegehilfskraft, it is important your keep your current employer informed of your plans.
Here you can find more information about this type of residence permit: