Hi … thank you for you reply last time .

I have an other question my wife she in Germany and her asylum claim is still pending she is professional nurse  and working in hospital as unit in charge nurse in stuttgart my question is since is talking too much time for family reunion is there any possibility she can apply for uk work visa as nurse while she is in Germany specially when she is on asylum seeker status .
asked May 23 in Information & Offers by Mazhershahbaz | 209 views

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1 Answer

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Hi. If your wife is still under Asylum she isn't allowed to bring any family members to Germany. If she revokes her Asylum case she will be deported to her 1st country of entry in EU or back to country of origin.

By this it limits her to apply for a job in UK. Yes she can apply for a job in UK but bringing her family to UK won't be possible. Check the new law which was passed in UK concerning this. She can try Ireland.
answered May 25 by Simi
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