Agentur für Arbeit told me that they cant help me find an Ausbildung place because on my Aufenthaltsgestattung it says "can work, but only when auslander behörde allows it" and I know that I can only do that when I have a place already. Applying for places by myself dont help, because despite having an Abitur equivelant I cant pay for getting my diploma translated into German. So in the end I just end up getting rejected.I ask you for your assistance. So far I considered Duales Studium places and more academic Ausbildungs (Like Fachinformatikerin, Erzieherin und Pflegefachfrau) but to no avail. I really want to study and I have good grades. I just dont know who can help me find a place, I already have a German CV and stuff.
asked Apr 30, 2024 in Education by maribel999 | 3,865 views

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2 Answers

0 votes

Dear @maribel999,

Welcome back to the Wefugees Community and thank you for reaching out to us again.

I am sorry to hear about your struggles but I can only encourage you to hold on and not to give up!

If you want to share with us your approximate location, I could try to make some research about concrete addresses in your area which support in the field of education/training. If you are under the age of 27, I can in general recommend the Youth Migration Services (JMD). Please see their webiste for further information as well.

Looking forward to hear from you and all the best,


answered May 5, 2024 by Meike
Dear @Meike Thank you for your answer. I am in the Lörrach-Waldshut area and both cities are accesible to me
0 votes

Hi @maribel999

The information from the Agentur für Arbeit is incorrect. As I understand it, you have the residence paper ‘Aufenthaltsgestattung’ and are therefore allowed to work with the permission of the Ausländerbehörde.

You are entitled to register as a job-seeker (arbeitssuchend) with the Agentur für Arbeit and they have to assist you in finding an Ausbildung. They can pay for your diploma to be translated. They can also pay for the cost of having your diploma recognised here in Germany.

This is the office responsible for the recognition of foreign school certificates in Baden-Württenberg and here the process is explained in English:


I encourage you to contact them again and point out that you are entitled to their assistance. The specific type of help you are looking for is from what is called the ‘Vermittlungsbudget’. This is money that the Agentur für Arbeit can use to spend on supporting people to find a job or Ausbildung. This includes costs of translations and recognition of diplomas, and also such things as getting professional applications prepared and the costs of travelling to interviews. Here is more about what costs can be covered:


The law which covers the Agentur für Arbeit is called the SGB III (the third book of social law). Paragraph 44 of this law covers these costs. If you contact them again, I encourage you to point out that as a person with an ‘Aufenthaltsgestattung’ you are entitled to the funding in accordance with this paragraph 44 of the SGB III.

If you do not get any further with them, you can also use their customer reaction service to detail your situation and hopefully have it resolved:


To get help, I recommend you contact this project from the organisation Diakonie in Lörrach. It is specially designed to help asylum seekers and refugees to find an Ausbildung or job:


As my college @Meike pointed out, a local JMD would also be a good place to get help.

Here is the one in Lörrach:


And in Waldshut:




answered May 7, 2024 by mbeon-Éanna
Thanks for adding these information - super helpful! Thank you very much dear @mbeon-Éanna!
thank you so much, i just saw the notification for this. i will definitely contact them
Hey just an additional question, how can I tell the lady working there that Agentur für Arbeit is responsible with helping me with job seeking since I have an Aufenthaltsgestattung? She is genuinely helpful and last time she told me she called Landartsamt in my city and that they gave her vague answers

Hi @maribel999 

Apologies I haven’t replied to this earlier. To be more specific about your potential entitlements, your nationality plays a role in this. For certain nationalities, it is not possible to get this support from the Agentur für Arbeit. These are known are ‘safe countries of origin’ (sichere Herkunftsländer). At the moment, they are:

 Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Ghana, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Moldova, Senegal, Serbia 

People from these countries are not allowed to get the financial supports I mentioned. They can only register and get a consultation (Beratung) from the Agentur für Arbeit about finding work. All other nationalities can be entitled to full assistance. This is, however, at the discretion of the Agentur für Arbeit. They will pay to finance something if they think it will increase the person’s job prospects in Germany. 

I do not understand why the person needed to call the Landratsamt, unless you are from a safe country of origin. Your Aufenthaltsgestattung paper clearly states you are allowed to work with the permission of the immigration authorities. You are then included under paragraph 39a of the SGB III (this is the name of the law that covers the Agentur für Arbeit): 


If you are still having difficulty with this, you can refer to the above paragraph as the legal basis that the Agentur für Arbeit can assist you.

I am from none of the countries mentioned above, in the end i ended up saving some money to get my documents translated and it took a few months to do so. However AFA told me I may get the money back if i apply for "Vermittlungsbudget" but they are not sure. In the end they just told me to search for places myself
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