
 We are a family and we are currently only one year in Germany ( Schleswig-Holstein). We are living in a house for Sozialamt and have to find ourselves a new house to move to. But it is really difficult for us to find as we are not knowing how to do it and mostly being rejected because of our number. And because of the village we live there is sometimes no buses or anyway for transportation which is limiting many opportunities from us as language learning and moving forward in our Education. I would really be glad if there is any particular office or anyone that could help us with this matter.
asked Feb 27 in Home & Living by a_2023 | 858 views

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Hello @a_2023 and welcome back to the Wefugees Community!

It is indeed not easy to find an appartment in these days - especially with a bigger family. I recommend you to contact a refugee/migration counselling office for support. They might not be able to find you a house directly, but they can explain you the procedure and give you advice on how to find accomodation. They may also refer you to an office/service/organisation dedicated to this type of support. To find a refugee/migration counselling office in your area, you can use this search engine.

Handbook Germany collected some very useful information on this topic as well.

Good luck and don't hesitate to keep us updated or

answered Feb 29 by Meike
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