Hello Friends, I have entered Germany through the humanitarian admission program S.22 law and I want to apply for UNHCR Asylem for Canada and Australia. Can I do it and what are the consequences? If someone has experience and information please let me know.
asked Feb 11 in Information & Offers by afghan2 | 745 views

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Dear @afghan2,

Welcome to the Wefugees Community and thank you for reaching out to us.

As UNHCR states also on their website, there are no (UNHCR) resettlement programmes for travelling from Germany to another state such as Canada or the United States. For plausible reasons, they focus on people who are not in a safe country yet.

If you want to move to Canada, you probably need to apply for other visa types (work etc.). - see the Canadian embassy's website for more information.

In any case, please also don't hesitate to get back to us with any other question.

All the best,


answered Feb 28 by Meike
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