I live in Germany for 2 years, had appIied to Asyl since arrived. Recently I acquired an EU citizenship. What happen with my Asyl procedure in Germany now? What I need to do? And what happen with the Leistungs? I live with my family in a second stage house. I will be asked to move? how much time they give me? And they stop giving me economic help?
asked Oct 29, 2023 in Asylum proceedings by ElGenial | 733 views

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Dear @ElGenial

Welcome to the Wefugees Community and thank you for reaching out to us. First of all, congratulations! 

Having the EU-citizenship will most probably make things easier for you and your family and you enjoy the so-called "freedom of movement" within the European Union now. I have to say that it's rather unusual that someone granted an EU-citizenship during an asylum procedure. Therefore, I can not share much of experience how authorities in Germany deal with it. I highly recommend you to get support in a migration counselling office now to manage the necessary steps well and to communicate with the involved authorities. I believe that you should withdraw your asylum application now since it will be rejected for people who come from safe countries (incl. the EU). As an EU-citizen, you are allowed to work in Germany without any restriction. EU-cititzens are entitled to receive jobcenter allowances if they are employees. So if you work in a Minijob, for instance, and don't earn enough to cover your family's cost of living, you can receive additional unemployment benefits. If you are currently living in a refugee accomodation, they will most probably ask you to move out. But as an EU-citizen, you are not obliged to live in a certain municipality or federal state. You may live wherever you find housing, work etc. 

I hope this helps in the first place and don't hesitate to keep us updated or get back to us with any further questions. In any case, I highly recommend to get individual legal advice - we can only give general answers here on this platform. 

All the best, 


answered Oct 30, 2023 by Meike
Thank you very much for your reply. Im very happy and worried at the same time. Do you know where I can find these migration counselling offices? I live in München. Thank you.
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