Hi @Alan065
Is there a reason you are waiting until the child is born to do the Vaterschaft? You can already do it now and do not need the Duldung for this. Once you have the Vaterschaft, you can apply for a Duldung as the expectant father of a German child, and provide the Vaterschaft as proof of this. Otherwise you will apply for a Duldung without any proof you are the expectant father of a German child.
The application for a Duldung should be done in writing and submitted to your local Ausländerbehörde. You should include a copy of the Vaterschaft and, if you and the mother also agree to do this, a copy of the agreement on shared custody (in German ‘gemeinsames Sorgerecht’).
If you need assistance writing the application for the Duldung, you can ask for help at a migrant advice centre. Here you can search for one in your area: