I have a couple of questions I would like to ask you for your advice and assistance.

I hold an Estonian student residence permit.

I once had the intention of studying in Germany. I hence registered in Germany to start the university admission process, along the line I lost interest in studying in Germany and went back to Estonia to continue my studies.

While in Estonia little did I know I had to cancel or remove my address registration in Germany before exiting Germany.  

Over a period of one year I had a letter to report at the stadt to clarify my stay otherwise will face a severe punishment.  

However I realised it was the reason of my address registration so i quickly visited the office and had my address removed/cancelled.

At the appointed date in respect to the invitation to the stadt, I presented the cancellation of the address letter to the officer. I told her I didn't know I had to stay just 90 days within a period of 180 days. She was unhappy and requested for my documents. She run copies of them and asked me to return to Estonia.

My girlfriend ( not a German) holding a normal residence permit as a result of first child holding a german passport. She is in Bremen. My Girlfriend is on social support currently.

My girlfriend is currently 7 months pregnant for me.

1.Can I come to Germany to visit my pregnant gf. I am scared of coming due to my earlier experience with the stadt as explained above.?

2. Is it possible to have Germany residence permit when she puts to birth?

3. Does my previous experience with the stadt affects my future prospects in travelling to Germany ?

3. Can i come and stay with her?

4. Sincerely we both love each, what advice would you give with our family union as we both wish to stay together to raise our kids. ?

5. What are the necessary steps?

Kindly reply soon.

Best regards.
asked Jan 19, 2020 in Legal advice by Herald | 719 views

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1 Answer

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I see it correctly that your girlfriend has a residence permit according to AufenthG or has she already a "Niederlassungserlaubnis" ? This distinction is important.

answered Apr 12, 2020 by Juana Steberl
My girlfriend has a residence permit according to AufenthG. She had her resident permit because her first child is German.

She delivered our new baby last month.
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