Good day, I started asylum seeking last year with my mother and siblings and then I was still 17. Now we’ve been given the results and unfortunately it was rejected…for just my mother and siblings. I was excluded, anybody was told I’ll be doing another interview alone to determine my own results. I’m supposed to start Berufsschule in September in the BIK klasse where I’ll do a Praktikum and then get a middle school certificate but I don’t think I can do that anymore, I’m thinking of starting Ausbildung immediately because I want to secure myself here but I believe my mother is going to appeal. So when I translate my high school leaving certificate results and get an Ausbildung, and the Ausbildung is not near where the government put me but like in another city maybe two hours away, would the government allow me to move from the Camp Heim I’m in to another city, for just my Ausbildung for three years?
asked Aug 19, 2023 in Education by Stephanie | 1,102 views

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Dear @Stephanie

Welcome to the Wefugees Community and thank you for your question. 

If you are holding an "Aufenthaltsgestattung" (during the asylum procedure) or a "Duldung" (after a rejection) you have to apply at the authorities (usually the immigration office/Ausländerbehörde) if you want to move to another place than the municipality you are supposed to stay. For this, as far as I know, you have to submit a so-called "Umverteilungsantrag" in which you give good reasons/proof for your request. I believe that this process usually takes quite long and I have my doubts that you manage it within the next few weeks. 

Maybe it is an option to continue school until you finished the process successfully? Maybe you can also find an "Ausbildung" (apprenticeship) without moving? 

I highly recommend you to discuss your individual situation and your options at a so-called "Jugendmigrationsdienst (JMD)" office in your area. The social workers are specialised on this type of questions/topics and can support you. 

Please let us know if you need help in finding such an office or if you have any further questions. 

All the best, 


answered Aug 20, 2023 by Meike
Hmm, this is somehow confusing. My asylum was not rejected. When I turned 18, my case was apparently separated from my mother’s and now I have to do my own interview alone so it’s like I’m starting over again. I don’t even know what position I can say I’m in right now, it’s so complicated for me. Yes I want to move to another place, but my asylum has not been rejected, for me once more, it’s just starting again. Thank you so much though, I’ll speak to the JMD and I’ll see what they can do for me :)
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