Hello Everyone

I am once again here to need a favor from you.

I am doing an Ausbildung als Altenpfleger im 2 LJ. Now i have to do a internship in Ambulance (Ambulant Pflegedienst) . I want to ask if i need a another work permission from Ausländerbehorde to do Internship, the thing is that i will get my money from my same employer.
asked Feb 3, 2020 in Education by Dreamchaser | 1,116 views

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2 Answers

0 votes
Hello Sandy,

Thank you for reaching out to the Wefugees community.

In my opinion, if the internship is part of the vocational training, no separate permit is required.

Please feel free to contact me again.  In case you need a confidential consultation you can also write me at mbeon, which provides advice for adult immigrants in Germany via an app. Download the app at Google Play or  App Store and get in touch with me or 160 other migration advisors. It's free of charge, anonymous, data secure and you can get advice in 15 different languages. Find more information here: ***.mbeon.de

Best regards

B. Schünemann

answered Feb 3, 2020 by manrhei-mbeon
Thanks alot for your prompt answer.
I just got a another question: do i need to apply for something to sit in Examination as (Zulassung zur Prüfung ) as i am still holding Aufenthaltsgestattung. I just heard it from someone that i need to apply for this else i am not allowed to give final exams.
0 votes
Hello Sandy,

can you give mne more informations abut your residence permit? Do you have "Ausbildungsduldung" Where are you living in Germany?

Best regards

B. Schünemann
answered Feb 4, 2020 by manrhei-mbeon
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