Hello Everyone,

I am in confuse situation at the moment regarding my immigration status.

I am studying two year Sozialpflege Staatliche geprüft Ausbildung. This Ausbildung will finish in June 2020. My Solictor did apply my Ausbildung Duldung in 2018 and Ausländerbehorde said, I won’t get it until I bring my passport.

Now I am able to provide my passport. I am going to renew my Duldung 3.03 and I am scared that they might deport me.

Just want to make sure if this is dangerous? Can they deport me while I am doing an Ausbildung and even the Duldung vertag is also not Negitive.

Just 4 months left for my Ausbildung and then I can apply for Residence permit.

Please advise!!!!
asked Feb 20, 2020 in Legal advice by Roger123 | 2,487 views
Hallo Roger

I am having the same problem here too..
I am doing ausbildung Al's Maler und  Lackieren.
I  have applied for the ausbildungduldung and they requested for my passport which I have summited, they gave me appointment on 05.03.2020 to come for the ausbildungduldung....
But am really scared I might get deported...
My asylum got rejected in sep.2018 , and I have been holding Duldung for 5 months now....
I can't sleep because am scared I might get deported....
Hey Roger,
How long have you been holding Duldung .
Please I would want to also know which state you are residing...
I live in Hessen, Darmstadt in precisely.

Please help us o

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2 Answers

0 votes

Hi @Roger123 and @wisdom,

thank you for contacting wefugees.

It is totally normal that the Ausländerbehörde wants your passport if you are doing an Ausbildung. This does not mean they will deport you. On the contrary: You'd have bigger problems if you didn't provide a passport. Proving your identity by submitting a passport is part of the game. It is absolutely necessary and you don't have to be afraid.

So be proud of what you already achieved! You're doing an Ausbuldung successfully and are on the best way to getting a residence permit in Germany! Congratulations!

Please note that this is only general advice and cannot replace legal advice.

I hope this helped you a bit.

Kind regards


I hope my answers were helpful and I would be very happy if you would contact me again with further questions. I'm a consultant with mbeon and I‘ll be glad to help you over a longer period of time. Mbeon is an online advice for migrants via the mbeon app, which you can install on your smartphone for free. Download it from App Store or Google Play Store. You can find me in the mbeon app and get confidential individual advice in a secure virtual space without other people reading our conversation. Further information: ***.mbeon.de.

answered Feb 26, 2020 by mbeon-Ruth
Hallo @ Ruth,
Thanks very much for the information...
I also spoke to my Lawyer and he said it normal I summit my passport and I should go for the appointment given to be by the Ausländerbehörde.
He said he already socken to them and the appointment is indeed a safe  one...
I hope it will be so...
Thanks so much once again.....
I will give feedback message here on how it went...
0 votes
Hallo@ Roger,
Please  when you go for your appointment can you please tell me how it went....
You can reach me on WhatsApp
answered Feb 26, 2020 by MIKE 130
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