I had a brother, who applied for a resident permit (paragraph 25b) it was rejected by the Ausländerbehörde. And my brother is working for the past 3years. He has appeal against the decision in court. And the court send him a Rechnung of 485euro to paid. And the Duldung document Is using has also expired, going to 2 months now. Questions? He applied for a renewal of his Duldung for the past 2 months but Ausländerbehörde has not send him new one and he is still going to work. Ist an offence or crime for him to continue going to work without his Duldung is not renewed? He has already clear his identity with the  Ausländerbehörde. His passport copy is with the Ausländerbehörde. Questions 2. Why did the court said to my brother to pay for the court procedure (485€) ist normal what the court Did?. But is still waiting for the court decision.
asked May 2, 2023 in Legal advice by Dickson | 2,280 views
@Dickson on what reason did they reject it?
He was told that he has not being living in Deutschland for 6years and with the new law.(104) He has not stay for upto 5years. He came December 2017 to Deutschland
@Dickson if that is the case, that is why they didn't grant him. I came September 2016... I just apply for Paragraph 25B last week. 2016 till now is about 6 years and 8 months .. so I am sure i am qualified .. i have no criminal case and i have A2 certificate....
How you working? If you are not working. The possibility of getting paragraph 25b is low but the possibility of getting paragraph 104c  is high. You also have your leben in Deutschland and your country Passport, because this are part of the requirement in getting paragraph 25b.
@Dickson i have unlimited work, they have my passport.. I don't have leben in Deutschland certificate.. that means they won't grant it? But leben in Deutschland certificate is not on the list because my German gf read everything about it

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2 Answers

0 votes
It depend who is responsible for you. Most time they do ask for Leben in Deutschland. Donot be discourage. It may work for you without Leben in Deutschland. I wish you all the Best
answered May 3, 2023 by Dickson
0 votes
Hi, I was recently granted residence permit in accordance with paragraph 25b Abs.1 s1
Nobody asked me to bring Leben in Deutschland Certificate, but I have B2 certificate and I have continuesly worked for the past 6 years.
answered May 3, 2023 by Great Man
You said you have B2, you don't need leben in Deutschland, we are talking about people with A2 certificate
@Great Man okay thanks. I hope they don't ask me.. I have been working for almost 3 years now...
@Dickson having B2 has nothing to do with leben in deutschland or Einbürgerung test ... B2 is same as A2 in terms of knowing the language , differences is that B2 is higher than A2 but they both didn't teach about leben in deutschland.. having B2 knowledge won't make you to know about history or life in Germany ... u can only be good in speak German... he was lucky they didn't ask him .. though I just make research about the leben in deutschland test / Einbürgerung test , its not difficult to pass, the question is already on BAmF site ... they always bring 33 questions from the 310 question... .. why I ask , i only submitted my A2 certificate, unlimited work contract, they have my passport already because i applied before for paragraph 28 because of my german kids though they rejected it... for the leben in deutschland, i don't have it , I ask if they will reject application for 25B without leben in deutschland or they will give time for me to write the exam ? Since i fulfil all about paragraph which is living in deutschland for almost 7 years, working and independent of the government..
I think you are right ✅️   leben in Deutschland is all about history and life in Germany. You can apply for the 25b, but see how you can write the leben in Deutschland. It varies who is responsible for individual case. Was it the Ausländerbehörde who rejected your paragraph 28 Antrag. And what did they say was the reason? Have you also appeal against the rejection in court?. Did the court ask you to pay for the court procedure? How long its since your application for paragraph 28 was rejected?
@Dickson they rejected it because they said I came to Germany without a visa and i need to go back to my homeland and come back with family reunion visa ... my case is still in court and the court never ask me to pay anything . Court will ask u to pay only when u lose the case , i am sure of that ... when u win against ausländerbehörde, then they have to pay not u... my case is still in court , I go against it in court for a year now, still waiting but i decide to apply for Paragraph 25B since i made my A2 prüfung... if they grant me , I can still switch to paragraph 28...
The reason I ask, if you paid for the court case, was that they ask my brother to pay for his court case.(485euro) but the case is still in court. They have not judge it. But the Ausländerbehörde refused to renew his Duldung. Did Ausländerbehörde renew for you ( Duldung)
@Dickson yea they renew it . My case is still in court though my case is different because i have German kids
Yes, you are right. We wish for the Best
@Dickson God will do it bro.. your friend should be careful from now on since his passport is with them and they rejected it application and no Ausweis renewed . ,though since the case is in court, I see no reason for them not to renew his duldung ..
Hi Felise, of course during the B2 course people learn about the basic laws in Germany, therefore I think B2 certificate is an added advantage.
@Great Man ok .. but with A2 certificate without leben in deutschland certificate, one still stand a chance right? I fulfil all requirements only the leben certificate i don't have
How long does it takes since you apply for it until you was granted the residence permit??
Hi Hakeem, the issuing of residence permit is largely depending on person responsible for your file at Ausländerbehörde and your personal record they have for you.
As for me I didn't really apply for it in writing, I was there at the Ausländerbehörde to renew my residence permit and right there I asked the Lady if I can get residence permit in accordance with paragraph 25b, and right on the spot she said yes and that was it.
@Great Man how many months or weeks did it takes to get your card I mean the residence permit
Hi Hakeem,
After submitting your digital photo and biometric fingers print, normally it shouldn't take  more than one month to get the residence permit.
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