Hi @RezaGash
Based on your description, I think it is unlikely you would be given 25B. In certain cases, it is not a problem to get expenses covered by the Jobcenter and still get 25B. This is if the person is studying at a university, doing an Ausbildung, or doing a job preparation course (Berufsvorbereitungsmaßnahmen). The basis is for this is paragraph 25b of the immigration law Aufenthaltsgesetz:
Ein vorübergehender Bezug von Sozialleistungen ist für die Lebensunterhaltssicherung in der Regel unschädlich bei
- Studierenden an einer staatlichen oder staatlich anerkannten Hochschule sowie Auszubildenden in anerkannten Lehrberufen oder in staatlich geförderten Berufsvorbereitungsmaßnahmen
To me it is not clear whether what you are doing makes you a ’student at a recognised third-level institution’. If so, there is no issue. My impression, however, is that you are doing a ‘Weiterbildung’ course that is financed by the Jobcenter and so does not fall under the categories of courses listed in the law. A Berufsvorbereitungsmaßnahmen is a specific type of preparatory course that is funded by the Agentur für Arbeit.
Did the Jobcenter give you a ‘Bildungsgutschein’ to pay for the course? Will the course be done by the time your 104c residence permits runs out? The Jobcenter usually only provides funding for courses as long as you have a residence permit. If you can at least finish the course by the time the 104c ends, you can apply for 25b. You will then be given some time to **** for a job and so fulfil the conditions for it. In any case, I recommend you apply for 25b before the 104c runs out. Otherwise you will return to having a Duldung and getting benefits from the Sozialamt. If you then at a later point find a job to support yourself, you can anyway apply again for 25b.