
After advice from my lawyer that it was impossible to get an Aufenthalstitel through my daughter as she was not German. I was given a Grenzübertrittbescheinigung and Ausreisepflicht nach 50 abs 1 which I complied and left before the date given and sent the certificate and boarding pass to the German embassy in my country.

My question is , will this have future implications on me like a ban , even though the german embassy said so far as I complied it doesn't come with a ban.

Now my wife has moved to the Uk as she has a job over there , should i mention to the Uk embassy about my circumstance when applying for the dependant visa?

Kind regards.
asked Apr 4, 2023 in Legal advice by Ruhr | 1,333 views

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1 Answer

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Dear @Ruhr

Welcome back to the Wefugees Community and thank you for reaching out to us again. As long as you left Germany voluntarily (not deported), there should not be a re-entry ban - I would agree with the information you received by the embassy. Furthermore, I don't believe it is relevant to explain the British authorities about your past in Germany when applying for a family reunification visa. Am I right, dear @mbeon-fardeen

In any case, please don't hesitate to get back to us with any further questions. 

All the best, 


answered Apr 6, 2023 by Meike
Thanks Meike for the response, filling the form there is a section thats sates "were you required to leave a country other than the Uk" . I assume it falls in this category right? If yes I am planning to attach a translated copy of the Grenzeübertrittbescheinigung , and my boarding pass as well, will this be enough
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