Good morning,
I hope this email finds you well. I would like to ask what advice you can yo someone in asylum procedures who have been rejected by court two times . She has B1 , has job not being supported by social assistance,  she has been living in germany for 3 years. What is next?

Again,  i have seen  video explaining new law for the people under 27 years who Ave been living in germany over past years with good language integration,  can someone in asylum such conditions apply for that residence permit?

Kindly reply this message,  it is very urgent

Thank you
asked Mar 7, 2023 in Legal advice by Malcolm | 416 views

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Dear @Malcolm,

Welcome back to the Wefugees Community and thank you for reaching out to us.

I am afraid that it's hardly possible to give individual legal counselling on this public platform - especially without knowing the situation about the respective person in detail.

I would highly recommend the person you are describing to contact a migration counselling office to get support and to discuss the next steps carefully.

About the "new" law you mentioned: I assume you are referring to the residence permit according to section 25a of the German Residence Act - which is not knew, but got changed at the beginning of 2023 (now young people between 14 and 27 years can apply for it, if the meet the requirements). One of the conditions is that the applicant has been successfully attending school for at least 3 years, i.e., he/she were promoted to the next higher class every year or the person already has a German school or vocational school certificate. One negative change of the law implicates that the applicant needs to hold a "Duldung" for a minimum of 12 months before being able to receive the residence permit according to 25a. For a full list of the requirements (also in various languages) you may check Handbook Germany.

If you or the person mentioned need help in finding a counselling office in your town or if you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to get back to us.

All the best,


answered Mar 11, 2023 by Meike
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