asked Nov 6, 2022 in Legal advice by Toan19122001 | 1,170 views
i have worked in Germany for 2 months , during Probeszeit i got terminated :(
im really worry and dont know what will happen to my visa( type D) and how long can i stay in germany till when i find a new place

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Dear @Toan19122001,

I am sorry to hear about your Ausbildung. Firstly, it is important to know that you have to tell the Ausländerbehörde about this within two weeks of being notified about the termination. This is in paragraph 82 of the Residency Act:


It is possible to get a new permit for the purpose of looking for a new Ausbildung for up to 6 months. This is possible in cases where the termination was not due to the foreigner’s own actions. A clear case here would be if a person was doing an Ausbildung with a company that shut down and they lost their Ausbildung place as a result.

The law does not, however, detail which reasons for a termination are to be seen as due to the foreigner’s own actions. The Ausländerbehörde will expect you to provide an account of why the termination happened and will then decide whether you are entitled to a 6-month permit to **** for a new place. I recommend you try to get help if making a written statement to the Ausländerbehörde. If you need to know where to go, you can let us know what part of Germany you are in. There are also often organisations which specifically help migrants to find an Ausbildung. If you do not know of any, we can try to find one near you.

Here is some additional information about the Ausbildung permit (links translated with an online translation tool):




answered Nov 10, 2022 by mbeon-Éanna
Thank you very much for the fast Reply , i have another silly question , i got terminated in the 31 of october now is 11 november , i have called the Auslandbehörde 4 times but no one pick up and tomorrow is weekend
Is this still possible for me to come to the place and ask ? (I have found a job also ) .
What should i do ?
You're welcome! It depends on the situation at your local Ausländerbehörde. Some of them have opening hours where you can go without an appointment and discuss with them. Others require you to have an appointment before they will speak with you. If it is not possible to speak with them directly within the deadline, inform them in writing about the change (by post or email).
I was in the Auslandbehörder , they said that i need to bring passport, kündigung and the new contract of the new hotel where i work in and bring it up to them .
My other question is : "is changing the zusattblatt easy ? And do i have to fill any other paper in the auslandbehörder ? (I want to prepare for it before comming),also if there is any case that when you change the place and they not allow it ? , Im afraid that maybe i have to leave the country (thank you in advance andd i hope to get yourr advicee soon)
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