Hi, I have a question. I am non EU citizen, I am not a Refugee and I am doing an Ausbildung.

 I came here to Germany since last year(in April) as a Student Visa(language course) after that I've changed my visa from Student to an Ausbildung Visa as Friseurin.  So After 2 months i am doing an Ausbildung, I think it's not my style and I was not really happy at the Salon. (it's still on Probezeit.) Yesterday The Salon gave me a kündigung paper means that I was terminated. Thus, now I'm applying for Hotel Ausbildung and still waiting for the feedback and get the new contract. 

In the meantime, what should I do about Visa after I got kündigung? Is my resident permit will be gone?  Should I wait for the new contract and send it to the Ausländerbehörde or Should I email them about the Situation? because I got an Fiktionsbescheinigung and it mentions that I do an Ausbildung by the Salon. During I'm waiting for the new contract, Am I allowed to work as a mini-job?

Thanks for your helpful.

asked Mar 17, 2022 in Education by ravith | 1,004 views
Dear Ravith, I see that your question unfortunately could not be answered yet. So I will link our expert @mbeon-éanna and @meike here. I see there is a similar question that deals with termination in visa and Ausbildung/Job case. https://***.wefugees.de/814386/terminated-after-doing-ausbildung-after-month-should-studying Maybe you could answer one of the two questions or make the case difference clear, I will link them together. Thank you very much in ahead. I will do a research myself. Any corrections or additions would be great. With best regards Saskia

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