When reading about the process of asylum it seemed to me that Germany is quite civil and open about the integration and process. I was curious though since it does not go into great detail about what is required of you; what is expected of you when you apply? Should you simply give an acquittal or do they expect supporting documents? What if you can't supply documents due to circumstance?
asked Oct 3, 2022 in Asylum proceedings by WilkommenausKanada | 330 views

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Thank you for your question. Since each case is examined individually at the BAMF, we can unfortunately not make any statements about the chances of an asylum application.There is a difference between the residence titles. The right of asylum is directed at recognized refugees according to the Geneva Refugee Convention. Here is a brochure from the German government that explains the whole asylum process in more detail. 


As a Canadian citizen you can enter Germany without a visa and apply for your residence permit in Germany (find more Information here: https://***.make-it-in-germany.***/en/looking-for-foreign-professionals/entering/visa-requirements)  

There are different types of German residence titles, depending on the length of stay and the requirements you meet. Basically, three residence titles allow you to stay in Germany in different ways. 

- Temporary residence permit
- Residence for the purpose of gainful employment / seeking work 
- Residence for family reasons such as marriage

The requirement for the residence permit must be proven. Here is a summary I found on German-Visa


  • Have a valid passport from another country,
  • Not have a criminal record,
  • Be proficient in German in at least a B1 level,
  • Have German health insurance,
  • Pass a health check which proves you are healthy enough to work and/or study,
  • Be financially stable and support yourself and your family,
  • If you plan on working in Germany, you will need a letter from your employer with the job offer and description,
  • If you plan on studying in Germany, you will need proof that you have been admitted into a university,
  • If you plan on joining your spouse in Germany, you will need proof of marriage such as a marriage certificate.

I hope it can answer your questions. We will be happy to help you with any further questions 

With kind regards 
Saskia Miersch 

answered Oct 4, 2022 by Saskia Wefugees
Thank you for the reply. This does help explain the process a little better than what I had found.

Saskia mentioned already some important aspects.
The initial asylum interview (the so-called “Anhörung”) is indeed the most critical part in the asylum procedure. Here, you have to make sure to explain your personal story and your reason to apply for asylum as credible and consistent as possible. If you are able to support your explanations with proofs - even better!
You may want to read this brochure for very helpful details:

In any case, please don’t hesitate to get back to us with any further questions.

All the best,

Thank you this is also very helpful.
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