I work as a private entrepreneur registered in Ukraine (IT sector) and have income there. How do I file my taxes in Germany and how much do I have to pay?
asked Sep 22, 2022 in Legal advice by PetroN | 908 views

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3 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer
Hello PetroN,

I have reached the tax office and must first correct myself. The responsible tax office in Berlin for you would be the tax office Neukölln. Because you must apply with your company, which continues to have its registered office in Ukraine, if I have understood correctly, the beschränkte Steuerpflicht as Ayslberechtigten entrepreneur. You simply pay this tax by entering your tax ID that you received with your asylum application. The tax return you write in Germany online under:

If you do not know your tax ID (Steuer-ID) you can get the tax ID here at the:
 Bundeszentralamt für Steuern (BZSt) (Federal Central Tax Office)
https://***.bzst.de/SiteGlobals/Kontaktformulare/DE/Steuerliche_IDNr/Mitteilung_IdNr/mitteilung_IdNr_node.html '

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us. The number of the responsible office is:
Here again the Internet page:

Otherwise, if you are not in Berlin you can call me also gladly again the federal state where you are at the moment / where you live at the moment.

Kind regards
answered Sep 27, 2022 by Saskia Wefugees
0 votes
Hello :) thank you very much for your question! We are happy to help you. After a little research, I found out that the responsible tax office for your foreign-based company is the tax office in Magdeburg. Here is the website: https://finanzamt.sachsen-anhalt.de/waehlen-sie-ihr-finanzamt/finanzamt-magdeburg/sprechzeiten/ I will try to call them tomorrow and gather the most important general information. As well as linking our experts @mbeon-fardeen and @mbeon-Èanna here. Best wishes, Saskia
answered Sep 22, 2022 by Saskia Wefugees
I send them an E-Mail and hope they will call me back.
And here is an E-Mail from Magdeburg:

Whether a tax liability exists in Germany can only be answered by the competent tax office. The responsibility depends on the place of residence of the person you represent. The Magdeburg tax office is only responsible for taxpayers from Ukraine in exceptional cases. Therefore, please contact your local tax office of residence first with your questions.

For questions regarding the allocation of an identification number, I refer to the website of the Federal Central Tax Office (bzst.de: Home->Privatpersonen->Steuerliche Identifikationsnummer->Hinweise zur Vergabe der IdNr für Geflüchtete aus der Ukraine).

in German:
ob eine Steuerpflicht in Deutschland besteht, kann nur durch das zuständige Finanzamt beantwortet werden. Die Zuständigkeit richtet sich nach dem Wohnort der von Ihnen vertretenden Person. Das Finanzamt Magdeburg ist nur in Ausnahmefällen für Steuerpflichtige aus der Ukraine zuständig. Bitte wenden Sie sich mit Ihren Fragen daher zunächst an das örtliche Wohnsitz-Finanzamt.

Zu Fragen bzgl. der Vergabe einer Identifikationsnummer, verweise ich auf die Internetseite des Bundeszentralamtes für Steuern (bzst.de: Startseite->Privatpersonen->Steuerliche Identifikationsnummer->Hinweise zur Vergabe der IdNr für Geflüchtete aus der Ukraine).
0 votes
Oh, Thank you very much for such a detailed answer!
answered Sep 28, 2022 by PetroN
you're welcome :)
I wish you all the best !
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