We were in Cyprus asylum seeker but when we leave we cancelled asylum process. We have not taken money of /Voluntary return program/ from Cyprus.
Can we ask asylum in Frankfurt transit zone
asked Sep 7, 2022 in Asylum proceedings by Danielo | 461 views
Hi @Danielo, welcome to Wefugees and thanks for your question. I will link our dear collegues @mbeon-Gabriele and @mbeon-Éanna here. Maybe they can have a **** at your question and help you with an answer. For more detailed information on transit zone, please also check the the following link: https://asylumineurope.org/reports/country/germany/asylum-procedure/procedures/border-procedure-border-and-transit-zones/ Best wishes, Julia
Thank you so much
I don't really have much to add as the link Julia provided offers a good overview of the airport procedure.

It is possible, however, that you would be returned to Cyprus according the rules of the Dublin procedure. Even though you have cancelled your application, based on what you have written I am assuming Cyprus was the first EU country you entered. Therefore it would be responsible for any asylum case you make.

Here's more information about it:


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Thank you, Julia
answered Sep 7, 2022 by Danielo
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