My friend from Myanmar just arrived by flight, she was jailed and tortured by the Myanmar army government and her life is in danger in Myanmar. she is in Bonn, she would like to seek asylum and she does not know where to go, my question is 'Can she seek asylum here? If so what is the address? Reuterstraße 63a 53115 Bonn, Nordrhein-Westfalen? Or ?
asked Sep 5, 2022 in Legal advice by R | 333 views

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Dear @R,

welcome to our platform and thanks for reaching out to us.

First of all, I am very sorry to hear what happend to your friend in Myanmar. I tried to make some research and found the same adress (Reuterstraße 63a, 53115 Bonn) for asylum seekers in Bonn. Am I right, @Meike? There are also several local counseling centers for refugees and migrants in Bonn. Here is an overview I found online (from page 72): https://***.frnrw.de/fileadmin/frnrw/media/downloads/netzheft/Netzheft_2020.pdf

I hope my answer is helpful and I keep my fingers crossed for your friend. Please don't hesitate to get back to us with any further questions!

Best wishes, Julia

answered Sep 5, 2022 by Julia_Wefugees
Thank you so much, Julia. I appreciate it.
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