Hi dear staffs of wefugee,

I have got few questions regarding family reunion visa after getting refugee protection.

My family is in Istanbul and I heard the waiting time from there is less for making an appointment.
But when should my wife make a family reunion appointment there and how this process works?

Should I hire a lawyer or its not needed the Ausländerbehörde will tell me what is the process and everything else?

I'm still waiting for my appointment at the Ausländerbehörde for my Aufenthaltstitel.
asked Jul 5, 2022 in Legal advice by Azimi | 450 views
Dear @Azimi, welcome back to the Wefugees Community and thank you for reaching out to us again. I will link our expert @mbeon-fardeen here, maybe he can help you with an answer. All the best, Julia.

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1 Answer

+1 vote

Dear @Azimi,

thank you for sharing your question with us.

If you have got a refugee protection and based on that you will get a 3 years' residence permit from the Foreigners' Office, according to section 25 subsection 2 S. 1 Alt.1 of the Residence Act of Germany, and you have had married before coming to Germany, it is quit easy to bring your wife to Germany, compared to someone with the same situation, who have married after coming to Germany. I mean, if you have married before coming to Germany, the German authorities will not check if your living subsistence and the living subsistence of your wife is ensured in Germany, and if you have an apartment, which is big enough for both of you.

For you, it is very important to inform your relevant Foreigners' Office (Ausländerbehörde) about your intention of bringing your wife through a family reunification to Germany. In other words, you should submit a preliminary written application in your relevant Foreigners' Office as soon as possible (within 3 months after receiving the protection from BAMF) and take their confirmation on this application. This confirmation will be required in the interview of your wife, in the German Embassy.

Your wife should have a residence permit in Turkey for at least since 6 months, or in some exceptional cases it is also possible to apply for a German national visa even if she is for shorter period of time in Turkey; for example, if she is registered as refugee there and so on.

Here you can read more about it in German:


A lawyer can also help you with all this. However, there are many Migration Counseling Offices, which can help you with that for free, such as DRK/BRK, Diakonie, AWO, etc. Only if you later face any problems during the application in German embassy, you should take a lawyer.

I hope my answer has been helpful for you. If you have more questions, you can have a **** at my profile and see how you can get directly in touch with me.

Best wishes

Fardeen Noori

answered Jul 5, 2022 by mbeon-fardeen
Thank you very much for answer, dear @mbeon-fardeen!
Thank you Ms. Julia and Mr. Noori.
I married before coming to Germany and where can I get this preliminary application in oder to submit it at the Ausländerbehörde?
You are welcome.
If you are living in a refugee camp, the social workers may help you write that. If you you are living in an apartment outside a camp and don't have a social worker, you can refer to a migration counseling office, such as to DRK/BRK, Diakonie, AWO, etc. in your city or region, so that they can help you with that.
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