I am a singel  mom of a German born baby( His a citizen) his 2 years old  I want to apply for my sons visa , his a 9 year old minor living with neighbours at the moment because my cousin who was taking care of him passed away .I am currently living from child support and under job center I also live in a social apartment with 2 rooms , I am unable to work because my son has no kita place but I am attending a German course. I want to know if this could affect my sons visa application ? Could it be possible that they say I don’t have a job so I can’t bring him to live with me ? I also have evidence of his living conditions and how he has been badly treated so I can show them during my application that his experiencing hard ship. Please advise me as I will be travelling all the way to South Africa to go Personally to the consulate. Thanks In advance
asked Feb 26, 2023 in Other Questions by Daffie | 540 views

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Dear @Daffie,

Generally a main requirement for family reunification is that you would be able to provide financial support for yourself, your son in Germany and your son who you wish to bring here. As you are not working and in receipt of Jobcenter support, this requirement is not fulfilled and family reunification is not possible. You can of course still apply and detail the hardship circumstances but these details will be less relevant to the authorities than your financial situation.

You can see from the information about this type of visa on their website that this is a requirement:


If you could manage to just have a part-time job, your chances would be better. The job income plus Kindergeld for two children plus potential child support payments may be enough to show them that you can cover your living costs.

It is also not necessary to travel to the consulate for a visa application. You can provide someone in South Africa (e.g. a family member) with a power of attorney to accompany your son to the consulate and through the application process.



answered Mar 10, 2023 by mbeon-Éanna
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