Dear @Azimi,
thank you for sharing your question with the Wefugees Community.
If you have married before fleeing your country of origin and before coming to Germany and now you have got a refugee protection (Flüchtlingseigenschaft), it not a requirement for a family reunification that your living expenses and the living expenses of your spouse in Germany are ensured. That is why, in this case your work does not affect the family reunification.
However, If have married after fleeing your country of origin and after coming to Germany, it is one of the requirements for a family reunification that your living expenses and the living expenses of your spouse must be ensured in Germany. That is why, in this case your work is a must in Germany.
It is worth mentioning that if you have married before fleeing your country of origin and now you have a refugee protection, you must submit a preliminary application for a family reunification (Fristwahrende Anzeige) in your respective Foreigners' Office (Ausländerberhörde) or in the Website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany (Auswärtiges Amt) within 3 months after getting your protection from BAMF.
Best wishes