Hi guys, Can someone use previous Birth certificate that used for marriage in Germany (4-5 years old) to apply for German citizen? Or a new Cert must be done ? Though the Birth certificate was verified b4 for marriage.  Can It be use to apply for Citizenship? Thanks
asked May 6, 2022 in Information & Offers by Emmytender | 469 views

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1 Answer

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Dear @Emmytender,

Welcome back to the Wefugees Community.

I remember that I tried to answer one of your questions with a very similar content here before. 

If this is your original birth certificate and you already varified it, I can not think of a reason why you should apply for a new copy of the document. I am not sure if I understand your question correctly though. Did you already consulted the "Einbürgerungsstelle" (naturalization office) to get a detailed advice, as I recommended before?

All the best,


answered May 6, 2022 by Meike
Hi Meike, appreciate your response. I'll contact Einbürgerungsstelle next week. I want to prepare all necessary documents before hand.
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