Dear Madam/ Sir. We are refugees from Ukraine and have been registered according to pragraph 24 in Germany. As stated in this paragrpah, we are generally allowed to engage in employed or self-employed activities. We are planning to set up an instagram account to  sell notebooks, dairy planners and similar self-made paper products though the advertisement tool of Instagram. Could you please advise whether this activity is considered to be self-employment activity and requires legal actions before? Do we need legal permission to do this and what about taxes? Which steps in general should we pursue to start this activity?

asked Apr 15, 2022 in Legal advice by Danylo | 525 views

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1 Answer

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Hi Danylo,

this activity should be considered as self-employment and you have to pursue some steps before starting.

Please have a **** at this website: https://***.wir-gruenden-in-deutschland.de/en/recognised-refugees-with-a-permit-from-the-local-immigration-authority-auslaenderbehoerde/basic-infos/what-do-i-need/

Hope this helps a bit.

if you have any further questions don't hesitate to ask :)

Best wishes, 


answered May 3, 2022 by Anita_Koe
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