Hello dear Wefugee Community!

I have three questions.

1. As an asylum seeker can anyone do freelancing/self-centered jobs? Say for example: I can write articles/ make mobile apps. Can I earning money by selling them? I asked to Kreishaus & Rathaus. And they said: Selbständige Arbeit nicht erlaub. What the law about it really? Need details.

2. I heard that, in Germany if someone open a business, first three years income is tax free. Is it true? What says law?

3. How to get a business license/ how to start a business in Germany? Need details about this.

Thanks in advance for your kind cooperations!

Best wishes for you,
asked Jul 8, 2016 in Work by Don’t Know | 1,360 views
@leo and @Silvia Hackl can you help with question 3?
Tnx a lot

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3 Answers

+6 votes
Hello MoniLink,

Question 1: see information of BAMF: ****://bit.ly/29qMf6R
More details by Handelskammer Hamburg, in German: ****://bit.ly/29qNfrJ
But things seem to change, see newspaper article here: ****://bit.ly/29qN53R (German text)

Question 2: To give a generalizing answer: I found no confirmation for a total tax exemption.
You surely can save a lot of money as a business start-up freelancer, but this is depending on many conditions and details. Ask a professional tax accountant, this matter seems in permanent move to me.
Short information (in German): ****://bit.ly/29qPJGC
Detailed information by Handelskammer Hamburg (in German): ****://bit.ly/29qPiMl

Question 3: You need a "Gewerbeschein", make a request at your local "Gewerbeamt"
Details in German: ****://bit.ly/29qQC20

Kind regards, Jan
answered Jul 8, 2016 by Jan
Hi Jan thanks a lot. Will read and let you know!
+5 votes
Dear Moni,

as always, the answer depends on your status and on how long you're already staying in Germany.

The Documuntens Jan gave you can help you, if you would like some more help to understand what BAMF is saying, you can let us know. As most of the people, I have problems to understand what they are saying, too ;-)  But together we can handle that!
The more informations you tell us about your situation, the better the answer can get. So do not hesitate to ask again.


answered Jul 11, 2016 by Marie
Dear Marie, thanks so much! I am living here more than two years but my case is not still finish. Can I start Selbständige?

Best wishes for you,
0 votes
There is certainly no law prohibiting you starting a freelance business after you got you "positiver Bescheid" from Bamf.

You do need a "Aufenthaltserlaubnis" or "Niederlassungserlaubnis".
If you have money and can guarantee that you can cover the costs or that you will invest more than 250.000€ §21 AufenthaltsG  
( https://dejure.org/gesetze/AufenthG/21.html )
answered Jul 21, 2016 by Leo
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