Hello to all my name Is Işın
I have a permesso di soggiorno  (student) from Italy. I came to  Hamburg  as an Erasmus+  student and since I will stay in Germany  more that 3 month I need to apply for the special residence process  called REST since I am non eu and has student residence  permit in Italy.

My question is in case I found a internship or a part time work ( student work) am I able to work?  I have already  did my anmeldung however  still my tax number is not sent yet.
asked Mar 9, 2022 in Work by ISIN | 936 views

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1 Answer

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if you are applying for REST, permitted activities are studying a full-time study program at a university and a part-time employment.

For more information, please have a **** at this website:  https://***.bamf.de/SharedDocs/Anlagen/EN/MigrationAufenthalt/flyer-rest-mobilitaetsrechte.pdf;jsessionid=8E28322763B4F5B918262E081854CC2B.intranet231?__blob=publicationFile&v=7

Hope this helps a bit.

Best wishes,

answered May 3, 2022 by Anita_Koe
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