Hi! So currently I'm making an ausbildung for Verkaufer in Germany. I already got a Aufentshalttitel D and was wondering if it's possible to quit it and just start a normal job? Please let me know if you need any other information, thanks in advance!
asked Feb 21, 2022 in Legal advice by loopside233 | 2,599 views

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3 Answers

+1 vote

Dear @loopside233

Welcome to the Wefugees Community and thank you for reaching out to us. 

I agree with Gentle james: to be able to give more tailored information, it would be good to learn a few essential details about your case, i.e. which type of residence you are currently holding (can you name the the respective section of the law?). 

Generally speaking, I would always recommend to complete a vocational training ("Ausbildung") in Germany in order to obtain a formal qualification. Otherwise, employees might be at risk to "get stuck" in jobs in the unskilled labor sector where they are potentially exposed to structural disadvantages (in the context of the German residence law, payment, job security etc.). Depending on your individual situation as well as your reasons for thinking about quitting the vocational training, you may also consider to change the training workplace or maybe even the professional field. 

For personal and in-depth counselling, you can also contact a migration counselling office (Migrationsberatung/"MBE" or the counselling for your young migrants/under 27y. "JMD"). Let us know if you need support in finding respective services in your area. In any case, please also don't hesitate to get back to us with any further questions. 

All the best, 


answered Feb 22, 2022 by Meike
Hi! So right now I'm currently holding an Aufenthaltstitel D. My type of permit is Aufenthaltserlaubnis and the remark is 16A ABS.1, and the current state I'm in is Hessen.
+1 vote
Hi, my name is Mike,
Please what status did you have before applying for this 16a Abs 1 AufenthG..
And what was the requirements for it please?
I live in Hessen too..
Please  quick answer.. thanks in advance
answered Feb 22, 2022 by MIKE 130
Hi! I didn't have a status before this because I came to Germany with this status. Before I got my Aufenthalt, I had a 'Zusatzblatt' saying 'BESCHAFTIGUNG ZUR AUSBILDUNG ZUM VERKÄUFER
GEN. S 16A ABS. 1 AUFENTHG ERLAUBT', and my question was if changing into a normal working visa was possible? Thanks in advance!
What happened, did you manage to get the work visa because im also in the same situation as you. I cant get on with this Ausbildung i would like to have a normal job also more money
0 votes
did you get the aufenthaltserlaubnis during your Ausbildung . the reason for your aufenthaltserlaubnis
answered Feb 22, 2022 by Gentle james
Hi! Yes I did! My aufenthaltserlaubniss is my vocational training aka the ausbildung. But I want to move into a normal visa. On my Aufenthaltstitel i have the Anmerkung/Remark 16A ABS.1.
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