My question is that my wife is European and last yeah I got my resident permit through my kids and now my kids abs after we got married here in Germany in may last year now my kids want to go live with their grandparents and can I continue to live here because my wife is still here but I didn’t get my resident through marriage
asked Feb 4, 2022 in Legal advice by ERKHTS | 1,248 views

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1 Answer

+2 votes


Welcome back to the Wefugees Community and thank you for sharing your situation with us.

If you are married to an EU citizen who is entitled to the "freedom of movement" within the EU (she is an employee in Germany, for instance) and you actually live together as a family, you have the right to stay in Germany as well. Please see section 2 of the Freedom of Movement Act/EU for more details. Your marriage is recognised/registered in Germany? If yes, I would not see a problem regarding the extension of the residencey permit card. For a full list of the requirements, you may also see this website (tailored for applicants living in Berlin though).

Do you agree dear @mbeon-fardeen or @mbeon-Christine?

In any case, please also don't hesitate to get back to us with any further questions.

All the best,


answered Feb 6, 2022 by Meike
Hi ErKHts

Ich würde gerne wissen, wie Sie letztendlich aus dieser verdammten Aufenthaltsgestattung herausgekommen sind, und ich wäre Ihnen dankbar, wenn Sie mir die Einzelheiten Ihres Bewerbungsverfahrens mitteilen könnten 这是我的邮箱fx294984590@gmail.***
Oder 294984590@qq.***
Ich bin in der gleichen Situation wie Sie, mein Ehepartner ist auch Europäer und sie ist nicht deutsch, wie können wir also aus dieser Situation herauskommen, wenn wir beiden verheiratet sind?

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