Hello friend . Thamk for answering all questions  . Great job  sir = madam

I have a question.  

I want to move from köthen to dortmund.  
But  I'm currently working in köthen
My family just move from köthen to essen . And they have resident permit but on renew
I don't have resident permit

I have appointment ok the 15th of this month.  The agent for work will give my girlfriend a letter or a paper that written.  They will give a Job . But my lawyer told me to get a working contract and rent a house and I will bring the work contract and the house contract so be can be able to talk or write the immigration office in köthen to transfer my files to dortmund. But still complicated .

How do I rent a house with just a working contract and I don't have resident permit card.  Just only 3 months.  He told me I will tell the house owner or agent that I want to give it to lawyer after sign a house contract.  And meanwhile  . How do I inform the immigration office about my leaving or moving to another city.  Will that not be complicated.  I don't want any problems.  Or them rejecting me . And how do I stop my current work .  What do I do . I really want to move to a better city.  Köthen is really bad.  And I have family   
Please tell me step so .I know how to go about my job and move to another city close to my family.  I really need good life without my son close to me . I don't feel alive .  Thank in advance  .
asked Oct 12, 2021 in Asylum proceedings by Derek | 496 views

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2 Answers

0 votes

Dear @Derek,

Welcome back to the Wefugees Community and thank you for reaching out to us again.

I am sorry to hear that you find yourself in such a difficult situation. Unfortunately, the official procedures here in Germany can be quite complicated. As I tried to explain in your recently opened thread, before you are moving to another city (or rent a house), you need to apply for the so-called "Umverteilungsantrag" at the immigration office of your "destination". I am afraid that only because Essen and Dortmund are not far from each other and your family is now in Essen, the immigration office in Dortmund will not confirm your application. But that is only an assumption. If you would plan to move in with your family, it would be a different situation. Are you sure the lawyer recommended you to sign a rental contract without you having the permission to move to another city? I would be a bit surprised if he/she did so. Maybe you can clarify this. 

If you would find work in Dortmund, this could really support your "Umverteilungsantrag" though.

I will also link two of our experts here. Dear @mbeon-Ruth or @mbeon-Rukundo, can you give some further advice here?

In any case, please don't hesitate to get back to us with any further questions.

All the best,


answered Oct 21, 2021 by Meike
0 votes

Dear @Derek,

I think this is a case which should be discussed with a refugee advisor in Köthen or somewhere around. He/she can guide you through the german burocratic jungle :-)

I agree with Meike, finding a job (if possible unlimited working contract) would be useful. Furthermore you need paper to prove that you are married / father of the kids. If you need help finding a refugee advisor nearby, please feel free to contact me on mbeon-App.

Kind Regards

mbeon- Ruth

I hope my answers were helpful. I'm a consultant at the app “mbeon” and I‘ll be glad to help you over a longer period of time. Mbeon is an online advice for migrants via the mbeon app, which you can install on your smartphone for free. Download it from App Store or Google Play Store. ” and get confidential one-to-one advice in a secure virtual space without other people reading our conversation. Further information: ***.mbeon.de.

answered Oct 22, 2021 by mbeon-Ruth
Thank you very much for your reply dear @mbeon-Ruth! :-)
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