Good Morning . Finally i received my Aufenthalttitle but its valid for 1 year . It says on my card that its 25 Abs 3 . I want to know whst is it ? And am i allowed to travel to my home country? ( Pakistan ) . Also about my background i am married to German National From last 4 years and today i received my first Aufenthalttitle . And we both sre men . Hopefully you understand my situation and guide me if i am on right direction. Thnx
asked Jun 29, 2021 in Legal advice by Kevinreed00131 | 1,980 views
Hello wefugees, i m from Afghanistan i have a residence permit 25 abs 3 this type of document in Germany & please tell me can I travel other Asia countries   like other countries  and what is my right

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2 Answers

0 votes
Hello Kevinreed00131, thanks for sharing with us and the first thing I wish to know if you got the Aufenthalttitle from Asylum or from the marriage?

NOTE: If you got it through Asylum,  then you're not allow to visit your home country with it because if you do , you will lose it

But if you got it from your marriage then you're allow to travel to your country without any problem.  Thanks

And I hope I have answered your question.
answered Jul 4, 2021 by Denny28
My asylum case was refused and i got deportation ban from court under law 60 abs i think .
Hello wefugees, i m from Afghanistan i have a residence permit 25 abs 3 this type of document in Germany & please tell me can I travel other Asia countries   like other countries  and what is my right
0 votes

Dear @Kevinreed00131,

Welcome back to the Wefugees Community and thank you for reaching out to us again. 

As we discussed in one of your earlier posts, the residence permit according to section 25 (3) of the German Residence Act is granted after the BAMF issued a so-called national deportation ban (according to section 60 (5 or 7) Asylum Law. Whether you are allowed to travel to your home country Pakistan or not depends on the reason for the deportation ban - but it might get difficult. I would recommend you to discuss your individual situation with a counselling office, for instance. 

However, as spouse of a German citizen you should be also entitled to receive a residence permit according to section 28 of the German Residence Act. Then, travelling to Pakistan could get possible (as @Denny28 already mentioned).

Please don't hesitate to get back to us if you have any further questions.

All the best,


answered Jul 4, 2021 by Meike
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