Hello i hope your all doing well, i wanted to ask a question.... I am being transferred out of the camp to another place because I got married....and before I wasn't allowed to get transfer out the camp because I had negative decision......but now I can... I want to know what kind of ID card will I get... because I got negative decision and  right after I got married to a German national..... (i ask one of  the social workers in the camp about my transfer and she said am not going to be transferred in another camp am going somewhere better)
asked Apr 29, 2021 in Asylum proceedings by Jay_jay1 | 619 views

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Dear @Jay_jay1,

Welcome back to the Wefugees Community and thank you for reaching out to us again.

The rejection of your asylum application or your asylum case in general is not connected to your marriage with a German citizen and both circumstances need to be assessed independently from each other. If your asylum request is denied and the case closed and legally binding, the immigration office will most probably issue a "toleration" (Duldung) for the time being and will ask you to return to your country of origin. However, as you are married to a German citizen, you may apply for a residence permit according to section 28 of the German Residence Act. Maybe you even applied for it already, as you can actually receive it also during your pending asylum application. But this residence permit will not be issued automatically - you need to apply for it and also meet the requirements (clearing your identity, for instance). In the worst case, the immigration office may also ask you to return to your country of origin in order to apply for a family reunification visa at the German embassy. Then, it might be better to consult a lawyer who might help you to convince the immigration office that returning to your country of origin and subsequently being seperated from your partner for a while is not reasonable.

I hope this answer is helpful to you and please don't hesitate to get back to us with any further questions.

All the best,


answered Apr 29, 2021 by Meike
And what will happen if you refuse to return to your home country
Hello again... I understand what your saying but.... but my marriage get me out the camp to another place where I am more free ... and they told me my Dublin is Finnish now but I receive no answer from the bamf saying saying they will change my answer for asylum...., only a letter stating that my Dublin is Finnish... however I wanted to know now if am getting marriage documents or asylum documents...? Because me and my lover have no information about my case...  

(well in General the give me negative because of Dublin  not my asylum it self.. just because of Dublin I got negative so now that's Finnish because of marriage)
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