Hii I want some legal advice my daughter is 4 year old now her mother is german and I am African so the last name of my daughter is with my wife last name whith also her ex last name we are not legally married in germany? So can I change my daughter last name to mine because I have vaterschaftshaft sogorechts?
asked Apr 23, 2021 in Legal advice by Khani | 525 views

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Dear @Khani

Welcome back to the Wefugees Community and thank you for your question. 

If you want to change the last name of your child and both parents agree on it, I recommend you to contact the responsible registry office (Standesamt) as soon as possible. As far as I know, you are only able to change the last name within the first three months after the declaration of custody ("Sorgerechtserklärung"). 

I hope this helps and all the best, 


answered Apr 29, 2021 by Meike
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