
I am Melody Victor, I need please advise, I applied for asylum in 2015 after few years of learning the language and working I got rejected I made an appeal even with 2 lawyer at a time i got fed up with the paying and not seeing improvements so I thought of living Germany in 2019 ending on the other hand I couldn't leave cuz I could not afford the time and stress of learning another language after few months of thinking about it which means I left my asyl Unterkunft to stay with a friend for more than 7 to 8 months now and I feel am going crazy cuz day passes by I do nothing and it dangerous too for me please I need helping answer if it possible for me to apply for a second asylum or if I can still continue my old rejected asylum procedure

I will be forever grateful for helping answers

Melody Victor
asked Sep 6, 2020 in Legal advice by MelodyVictor | 754 views

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2 Answers

0 votes

Dear @MelodyVictor,

Welcome to the Wefugees Community and thank you for reaching out to us.

I am sorry to hear that you find yourself in such a difficult situation. In general, there is an option to re-apply for asylum in Germany. For information on the so-called "Folgeantrag", please see maybe this thread. However, the obstacles are quite high and I definetely want to recommend you to get some individual consulting in a migration counselling office, for example. The social workers offer free and confidential services and you don't need to be scared that they will report you to the authorities.

I will also link our expert dear @alla_fka here. Maybe she can add some information or share ideas.

Please don't hesitate to get back to us with any futher questions or if you need support in finding a respective office close to your current place of stay.

All the best,


PS.: As this is a public platform and in order to protect your data, please don't post any personal information (as real name, address, phone number etc.).

answered Sep 11, 2020 by Meike
Thank you so much Herr Meike I so much appreciate the advice.
I will please need your further help with finding a respective office close to me in Munich
I will be so grateful if u could help me out
Thank u, I **** forward to hear from u
0 votes

Hallo MelodyVictor,

Meike is absolutely right, you need a personal consulting with analysing your whole situation: how was your first procedure, what reasons you had, why and in what way you were rejected etc. Besides, I didn't understand if you were rejected also in your court procedure or you just have no idea what is with your case in the court. Perhaps your case in the court hasn't been closed yet, in this case you have no possibility to make a new asylum application. You can try to proceed your case in the court then (which is still the prolonging of your first procedure). I had a number of clients who tried to apply anew and got an answer from BAMF that it is not possible because the case in the court is still pending. You can also think about renewing contacts to your last lawyer and ask what he or she knows. But they mostly will only give you information if you paid them in a proper way.

In Munich you can contact the councelling center of Flüchtlingsrat Bayern. Please ****


You must make an appointment with them. Or they perhaps can recommend you another consulting place in the area.

Good luck!

answered Sep 13, 2020 by Alla_fka
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