Dear Wefugees,
Hope that you are all doing well and in good health.
- After completing my 'Ausbildung', i am holding a residence permit under para. §18a
- Living in Germany 5+ years
- Mettmann, NRW
My question is regarding minijob/nebenjob.
I am willing to have a nebenjob along with my main job, for example: during weekend or such.
But the problem is that on my residence permit, it is clearly written that i am
only allow to have same profession as my Ausbildung.
So, i was just wondering if could actully have a minijob/nebenjob?
-- Do i have to fill a form and apply for the permit each time, which will then go through
all the processes such as confirmation of 'Agentur für Arbeit'.
-- Or am i eligible to have minijob/nebenjob permit without any restriction?
Thank you very much for your help, support and efforts.
Have a nice day and stay healthy.