
 I hope everybody is safe and in better health.

I want to ask if it's okay to visit your Lebenspartner in different city ( Leipzig to Jena). I have read all news and they are saying it's allowed to visit. But I want to confirm it before I get my ticket?

many thanks and stay safe
asked Apr 15, 2020 in Information & Offers by Dreamchaser | 1,173 views

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1 Answer

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Hello @Sandy,

thank you for sharing your question with the Wefugees community.

Saxonia has very strict regulations which imply that you may not leave your flat without a valid reason. The list of valid reasons can be found here: https://***.mdr.de/brisant/ausgangssperre-was-wo-stadt-100.html. It is in German, so please use an automatic tranlation program.

According to the agreement from 15th of April limitations of contact and movement remain in force at least until 3rd of May and the Federal government strongly advises against travelling for private reasons. It isn't translated into English yet, but you can find the information here: https://***.bundesregierung.de/breg-de/themen/coronavirus/fahrplan-corona-pandemie-1744202.

I hope my answers were useful for you and I'll be very pleased if you contact me again with further questions. I'm a member of the mbeon-staff and I‘ll be glad to guide over a longer period of time. 
mbeon is an online advisory service for migrants via the mbeon-app, which you can download on your smartphone for free. You'll find me in the mbeon-app under my name München, Frau Müller and get confidential one-to-one advice in a safe virtual room where nobody can read messages. For further information please visit ***.mbeon.de.

Download for Android: https://play.google.***/store/apps/details?id=de.zone35.mbeon

Download for iOS: https://apps.apple.***/de/app/mbeon-messengerberatung/id1408795643

Best regards


answered Apr 16, 2020 by mbeon-Christine
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