Dear wefugees team,  your assitance and providing useful information is highly appreciated. My question is that " i am studying master in hamburg univeristy, i have applied for BAFOG and they rejected my application I have 3 years political based residence permit,  the reason they stated is that you have a master degree and we are not allowed to financially support second master as i have acquired my first master from pakistan and job center ahead of bafog decision terminated their assistance since 4 months and demanded much amount back, as i am unable to pay the whole amount. What are the possible ways to continue my studies and acquire help from job center because there isn't any fees of university other than admission fees. Is it possible to start integration course and study in univeristy? Looking forward to your answer.
asked Jan 15, 2020 in Education by Rahmatullahkakar | 854 views

Dear @Rahmatullahkakar

Thank you for sharing your situation with the Wefugees Community and sorry for the wait! 

Unfortunately, I am not too familiar with the Bafög regulations and the exceptional cases, in which students are entitled to receive money from the Jobcenter (ALG II). 

Can I ask, for what reason the Jobcenter wanted to have money back? 

In any case, if you do not receive money from the Jobcenter, you might be entitled to receive "Wohngeld". Did you think about it? 

Another alternative coming to my mind is applying for a student loan. 

However, I will link two of our wonderful experts here. @mbeon-Bernd or @mbeon-caritas, do you have any advice or some ideas? Looking forward to your thoughts! :-)

All the best, 


Dear @Rahmatullahkakar

I'm also not an expert on students. I know that Wohngeld is only granted as a top-up if one already has some sort of income. As you know, students are also excluded from ALG II (Jobcenter), therefore a student loan might be the only solution.

 If you can't find any more information online, I would advise you to consult the Councelling department of Studierendenwerk Hamburg regarding your situation:


All the best, 


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1 Answer

+1 vote

there might be advice being offered locally also by


And: Have you checked the possibility to appy for a scholarship, e.g.:


All the best,

answered Apr 17, 2020 by Andrea
Dear @Andrea, Welcome to the Wefugees Community and thank you for the very useful information you shared! :-) All the best, Meike
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