asked Dec 21, 2019 in Education by wani | 1,409 views
Hast du Reisepass dabei ?
Seit der 15. 12.2019 habe ich meine Ausbildungvertrag an die Ausländerbehörde abgegeben bis jetzt keine Antworten....
Sie fragen mich für meine Reisepass nach.
Have you be granted the ausbildungduldung or are you still waiting for there approval if so please tell me....
Did you submit your national passport or your country driving licence?
Can they deport during the ausbildung
I just waiting for Regirerunperdisum decision

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3 Answers

0 votes
As long you have been granted this ausbildungduldung they can not deport you...
answered Dec 22, 2019 by MIKE 130
0 votes
Hallo Wani,
You said you gave the foreign office your driving licence?
If so, did they accept it ?
answered Dec 23, 2019 by MIKE 130
0 votes
Hallo Wani, thanks for replying me,
For how long have you been waiting now please?
I summited mine on 15 of this month still no reply but they are demanding for my passport
answered Dec 23, 2019 by MIKE 130
They didn't give answer till now
Which month was it summited to the Regierungspräsidium ?
Which City is that?
Please, i live in Darmstadt, Hessen
Did you get your permit ??
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