I'm seeking an Asylum in Germany on my Syrian passport very soon
I already have Lebanese passport as well and entered to the Schengen areas on many Tourist visa since long time until today on the Lebanese passport,
Is it possible that the BAMF can know due to my finger print that I have Lebanese passport ? Do they have the right to deported me to Lebanon or make decline my asylum request although I'll present the asylum on my Syrian passport and will not show the Lebanese one !
Does the Lebanese passport is going to make problem to my asylum claim ?
asked Oct 6, 2019 in Asylum proceedings by Jxxx | 780 views

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1 Answer

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Dear @Jxxx

Welcome to the Wefugees Community and thank you for sharing your question! 

I am not totally sure, how well the information/data sharing system of the European Union is functioning in these days. However, I can imagine, that you might face problems, if the German authorities find out about your Lebanese citizenship. They might also ask you to apply for asylum in that country which issued the recent visa. 

It is always difficult to give information and advice without knowing your personal situation. Nevertheless, I assume that you need to provide well-founded reasons and proofs in order to receive a protection status in Germany or in the EU in general. 

Please feel free to get back to us with any further questions. 

All the best, 


answered Oct 25, 2019 by Meike
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